
suomi-englanti sanakirja

concern englannista suomeksi

  1. murhe

  2. huoli

  3. levottomuus

  4. huolestuttaa

  5. koskea

  6. asia

  7. konserni

  1. Substantiivi

  2. huoli, asia

  3. konserni, yritys

  4. Verbi

  5. koskea + partitive, liittyä + illative

  6. huolestuttaa

concern englanniksi

  1. That which affects one’s welfare or happiness. A matter of interest to someone.

  2. (syn)



  3. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  4. {{quote-journal|en|date=April 10, 2011|author=Alistair Magowan|work=BBC Sport

  5. The placement of interest or worry on a subject.

  6. A worry; a sense that something may be wrong; an identification of a possible problem.

  7. The expression of solicitude, anxiety, or compassion toward a thing or person.

  8. {{quote-book|en|year=1907|author=Edward Bindloss|Harold Bindloss

  9. (senseid) A business, firm or enterprise; a company.

  10. (RQ:Conrad Heart of Darkness)

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. Any set of information that affects the code of a program.

  13. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=Awais Rashid; Mehmet Aksit|title=Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development II|page=148

  14. To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to.

  15. (RQ:KJV)

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=1708|author=Joseph Addison|title=The Present State of the War, and the Necessity of an Augmentation

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1821|author=James Fenimore Cooper|title=The Spy

  18. (RQ:Birmingham Gossamer)

  19. To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest.

  20. (quote-text)|title=A Sufficiency adjusted and recommended

  21. {{quote-book|en|year=1935|author=George Goodchild

  22. To make somebody worried.

  23. (l) (rfclarify)

  24. to be (l) about

  25. (quote-book)

  26. {{zh-q|呢{ni1}個 都 有啲 世代之爭{zang1} 嘅,我 覺{gok3}得 老人家 就 唔係 個個 都 c{k}on{n6}c{s}e{o}r{e}n{n1},後生 更{gang3}加 唔 會 啦,可能 真係 好 老 嗰啲 先 會。||C-HK
  27. company, business, (l)

  28. (l) (gl)