


  1. huoli , huolestuneisuus, huolissaan olo

  2. huoli, huolenaihe

  3. huoli, vastuualue, asia

  4. liiketalous|k=en yhtymä, konserni

Esimerkkejä concern sanan käytöstä:

She looked at her child with concern.

Climate change is a global concern.

mounting concern – kasvava huoli

awareness of their concerns

Police matters are the concern of the Interior Ministry.

That is no concern of yours. – Se ei kuulu sinulle / ole sinun asiasi.

Her relationships are not my concern.



  1. negatiivinen ärsyke, murhe, huoli, päänvaiva, vaiva, uhka, taakka, kuorma, velvollisuus, vastuu, asia, levottomuus, sympatia, myötätunto, myötäeläminen, empatia.

Lisää synonyymejää







koskea That which affects one's welfare or happiness. A matter of interest to someone. The adposition before the matter of interest is usually over, about or for.
{{quote-journal|date=April 10, 2011|author=Alistair Magowan|work=BBC Sport


The expression of solicitude, anxiety, or compassion toward a thing or person.
{{quote-book|year=1907|author=w:Harold Edward Bindloss|Harold Bindloss
A business, firm or enterprise; a company.
2001 November 18, " What the Muslim World Is Watching," The New York Times (retrieved 26 July 2014):
Soon after he ascended the throne, an Arabic television joint venture between the BBC and a Saudi concern, Orbit Communications, foundered over the BBC's insistence on editorial independence.
puhekieltä Any set of information that affects the code of a computer program.
2006, Awais Rashid, Mehmet Aksit, Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development II, page 148:
At the programming level, an aspect is a modular unit that implements a concern.
puhekieltä To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to.
(w), (w) xxviii. 31
Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ.
(w) (1672-1719)
Our wars with France have affected us in our most tender interests, and concerned us more than those with any other nation.
(w) (1789-1851)
ignorant, so far as the usual instruction is concerned
(RQ:Brmnghm Gsmr)
As a political system democracy seems to me extraordinarily foolish, but I would not go out of my way to protest against it. My servant is, so far as I am concerned, welcome to as many votes as he can get. I would very gladly make mine over to him if I could.
puhekieltä To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest.
(w) (1763-1855)
They think themselves out the reach of Providence, and no longer concerned to solicit his favour.
{{quote-book|year=1935|author= George Goodchild
puhekieltä To make somebody worried.


concern rimmaa näiden kanssa:

western, spagettiwestern, italowestern

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