
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cobrar englanniksi

  1. to charge (gloss)

  2. to collect, receive (gloss)

  3. to earn, be paid

  4. to recover, regain

  5. to earn, win

  6. to haul

  7. (syn)

  8. to have what one's deserve (gloss)

  9. (uxi)

  10. to recover; to regain

  11. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  12. Eſta é de como ſanta maria fez cobrar a Theophilo a carta que fezera cono demo u ſe tornou ſeu vaſſalo.
    : This one is (about) how Holy Mary recovered for Theophilos the contract he had made with the Devil and became his vassal.
  13. to charge (gloss)

  14. to demand payment

  15. to demand that something be done

  16. to take

  17. (coi)

  18. to charge (q)

  19. (ux)

  20. to collect

  21. to up (q)

  22. to pay for something (gl)

  23. to claim (lives)