
suomi-englanti sanakirja

boob englannista suomeksi

  1. tollo

  2. möhliä

  3. ryntäät

  1. slang dorka, slang bimbo

  2. tissi

  3. Substantiivi

boob englanniksi

  1. An idiot; a fool.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (quote-song)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. A mistake.

  6. To behave stupidly; to act like a boob.

  7. To make a mistake.

  8. A breast, especially that of an adult or adolescent female human.

  9. {{quote-book|en|year=2013|author=Kim Haskan|title=Mommy Has a Boo Boo in Her Boob|section=book cover

  10. A prison; jail. (defdate)

  11. 1927, William Cooper, letter, in Heiss & Minter (eds.), ''Macquarie PEN Anthology of Aboriginal Literature'', Allen & Unwin 2008, p. 26:

  12. Then he got or was brought back to Mongumber he was tired to a tree and was belted by the white officer in charge put into the boob that they have ther I think of cause we cant say for a certain was was brought out of the boob ''dead'' or nearly.
  13. {{quote-text|en|year=1965|author=Mudrooroo|title=Wild Cat Falling|page=29|publisher=HarperCollins|year_published=2001

  14. breast

  15. {{quote-book|fr|date=2014-10-30|author=Bertrand Ferrier|title=Le point de vue du panda: Le dico des mots sans dico - Humour|publisher=Max Milo|isbn=9782315006618

  16. {{quote-book|fr|date=2019-02-06|author=Margot D. Bortoli|title=Projet Rebirth|publisher=BMR|isbn=9782017071129