


  1. metallilanka

  2. johdin

  3. johto

  4. AmE|k=en sähke

Liittyvät sanat: rewire



  1. paalauslanka, piikkilanka, metallilanka, pianolanka, laukaisin, rautalanka.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä







maaliviiva puhekieltä Metal formed into a thin, even thread, now usually by being drawn through a hole in a steel die.
A piece of such material; a thread or slender rod of metal, a cable.
A metal conductor that carries electricity.
A fence made of usually barbed wire.
puhekieltä A finish line of a racetrack.
puhekieltä A telecommunication wire or cable
puhekieltä An electric telegraph; a telegram.
puhekieltä A hidden listening device on the person of an undercover operative for the purposes of obtaining incriminating spoken evidence.
puhekieltä A deadline or critical endpoint.


puhekieltä A wire strung with beads and hung horizontally above or near the table which is used to keep score.
puhekieltä Any of the system of wires used to operate the puppets in a puppet show; hence, the network of hidden influences controlling the action of a person or organization; strings.

to pull the wires for office

puhekieltä A pickpocket who targets woman women.
puhekieltä A knitting needle.
To fasten with wire, especially with reference to wine bottles, corks, or fencing.
1934, w:Rex Stout|Rex Stout, w:Fer-de-Lance (book)|Fer-de-Lance, 1992 w:Bantam Books|Bantam edition, ISBN 0553278193, page 222:
I could see him in his plane flying low over the river or a reservoir, dropping the club out with a chunk of lead wired to the shaft.
To string on a wire.
To equip with wires for use with electricity.
To add something into an electrical system by means of wiring; to incorporate or include something.

Ill just wire your camera to the computer screen.''

puhekieltä To send a message or a money value to another person through a telecommunications system, formerly predominately by telegraph.
To make someone tense or psyched up.
puhekieltä To install eavesdropping equipment.
To snare by means of a wire or wires.
puhekieltä To place (a ball) so that the wire of a wicket prevents a successful shot.


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kiire, tulipalokiire, joulukiire, lähtökiire, työkiire, oire, tic-oire, iho-oire, ensioire, stressioire

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