

  1. tee

  2. BrE|k=en ilta-ateria, päivällinen

Esimerkkejä tea sanan käytöstä:

I’d like some 'tea', please. – Haluaisin teetä, kiitos.

Would you mind going to the supermarket and buying some 'tea'.

:Kävisitkö kaupassa ostamassa teetä.

Late again. Your 'tea' is in the oven.

:Taas myöhässä. Päivällisesi on uunissa.

Liittyvät sanat: cream tea



  1. ateria, teeateria, iltapäivätee, teeaika, yrtti, tee, teelehti.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: teak, teatraalinen, teatraalisesti, teatraalisuus, teatteri, teatteriala.






teekutsut puhekieltä The dried leaves or buds of the tea plant, w:Camellia sinensis|Camellia sinensis.


puhekieltä The drink made by infuse infusing these dried leaves or buds in hot water.
puhekieltä A variety of the tea plant.
puhekieltä By extension, any drink made by infusing parts of various other plants.
puhekieltä A cup of any one of these drinks, often with a small amount of milk or cream added and sweetened with sugar or honey.
puhekieltä A glass of iced tea, typically served with ice cubes and sometimes with a slice or wedge of lemon.
puhekieltä A light meal eaten mid-afternoon, typically with tea; afternoon tea.
puhekieltä The main evening meal, irrespective of whether tea is drunk with it.
puhekieltä The break in play between the second session|second and third session|third sessions.
puhekieltä marijuana Marijuana.
1940, (w), Farewell, My Lovely, Penguin 2010, page 103:
So they were evidence. Evidence of what? That a man occasionally smoked a stick of tea, a man who looked as if any touch of the exotic would appeal to him. On the other hand lots of tough guys smoked marijuana (..).
1946, (w) and (w), Really the Blues, Payback Press 1999, page 74:
Tea puts a musician in a real masterly sphere, and that's why so many jazzmen have used it.
1947, (w), letter, 11 Mar 1947:
Here in Texas possession of tea is a felony calling for 2 years.


  • tirra: teatteri


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