
suomi-englanti sanakirja

vare englanniksi

  1. ripple

  1. (rfv-sense) A weasel.

  2. A wand or staff of authority or justice.

  3. 1681-1682, (w), ''(w)''

  4. His hand a vare of justice did uphold.
  5. hammer, Large hammer

  6. (infl of)

  7. article

  8. commodity

  9. item

  10. goods, merchandise, wares

  11. protection

  12. only in the expression (m)

  13. to last, take (q)

  14. to warn

  15. 1857, Hans Christian Andersen, At være eller ikke være, p. 160 /

  16. (quote)
  17. to guard

  18. in the modern language only in the expression ''vare sin (m)'' "be careful about what to say"

  19. to be careful, beware

  20. {{quote-text|da|year=1970|author=Willy-August Linnemann|title=Det andet Europa|url=

  21. ruin (gloss)

  22. (gl-verb form of)

  23. (inflection of)

  24. (alt form)

  25. an article or item (q)

  26. (uxi)

  27. a commodity

  28. (q) goods, merchandise, wares

  29. caution, protection

  30. to last, take (a duration of time)

  31. to watch, keep

  32. {{quote-book|nn|year=1968|author=O.Havdal|title=Meldal bygdebok: Bygdesoga til ikring 1700|passage=Det var fleire som gjerne ville vere godvener med tussom for det lønt seg. Gamla i Groeggen sa alltid: "Var dokk", når ho slo ut varmt vatn.

  33. to warn

  34. (rfdef)

  35. (pt-verb form of)

  36. (es-verb form of)

  37. (verb form of); be

  38. (ng)

  39. (ux)