
suomi-englanti sanakirja

turning englannista suomeksi

  1. muuttuminen, muutos

  2. lastu

  3. kääntyminen, käännös

  4. sorvaus, sorvaaminen

  5. lopputuote

  1. mutka

  2. sorvaus, sorvaaminen

turning englanniksi

  1. A turn or deviation from a straight course.

  2. ''Take the second turning on the left.''

  3. At hockey, a foul committed by a player attempting to hit the ball who interposes their body between the ball and an opposing player trying to do the same.

  4. (senseid) The cutting of wood or metal on a lathe to shape it as needed.

  5. (hyper)


  6. The act of turning (rotating or twisting).

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. Shavings produced by turning something on a lathe.

  9. ''The turnings get into your trouser turnups!''

  10. (infl of)

  11. ''The Earth is turning about its axis as we speak.''

    ''He made wooden soldiers by turning them on a hand lathe.''