
suomi-englanti sanakirja

taan englanniksi

  1. A rapid melodic vocal technique in raga singing.

  2. {{quote-text|en|year=1997|author=Kiran Nagarkar|title=Cuckold|page=147|publisher=HarperCollins|year_published=2013

  3. bait; decoy

  4. (syn)

  5. tan, liquid containing acid used for tanning.

  6. (infl of)

  7. ash

  8. to pierce, to penetrate, to make an opening

  9. reserve (q)

  10. act of reserving (q)

  11. a type of trap made of a barricade of stones and split bamboo (q)

  12. long lines for inland water fishing

  13. act of setting up such a trap

  14. layer

  15. fold

  16. opponent, antagonist

  17. chest