
suomi-englanti sanakirja

antagonist englannista suomeksi

  1. vastavaikuttaja

  2. antagonisti, vastavaikuttajalihas

  3. vastustaja

  1. Substantiivi

  2. vastustaja

  3. vihastuttaja, vihanlietsoja, riidankylväjä

  4. antagonisti

  5. pääpahis informal

antagonist englanniksi

  1. An opponent or enemy.

  2. {{RQ:Hooker Laws

  3. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  4. (RQ:Bulwer-Lytton Last of the Barons)

  5. One who antagonizes or stirs.

  6. A chemical that binds to a receptor but does not produce a physiological response, blocking the action of agonist chemicals.

  7. 2001: The calcium antagonists represent one of the top ten classes of prescription drugs in terms of commercial value, with worldwide sales of nearly $10 billion in 1999. — Leslie Iversen, ''Drugs: A Very Short Introduction'' (Oxford 2001, p. 41)

  8. The main character or force opposing the protagonist in a literary work or drama.

  9. (quote-song)

  10. A muscle that acts in opposition to another.

  11. ''A flexor, which bends a part, is the antagonist of an extensor, which extends it.''

  12. antagonist

  13. antagonistic

  14. (syn)

  15. (l)

  16. an (l) (opponent or enemy)

  17. an (l)

  18. (ant)