
suomi-englanti sanakirja

strangle englannista suomeksi

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  1. Verbi

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  3. Substantiivi

strangle englanniksi

  1. To kill someone by squeezing the throat so as to cut off the oxygen supply; to choke, suffocate or throttle.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)|chapter=The Vindictives|year=1936|passage=And his subjects wrung all they could wring / Out of temple and palace and store. / But when there seemed no more to bring, / His captors convicted the king / Of once having started a war, / And strangled the wretch with a string.

  4. To stifle or suppress.

  5. To be killed by strangulation, or become strangled.

  6. To be stifled, choked, or suffocated in any manner.

  7. (RQ:Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet) And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes?

  8. (RQ:Ovid Sandys Metamorphosis)|footer=An adjective use.

  9. A trading strategy using options, constructed through taking equal positions in a put and a call with different prices, such that there is a payoff if the underlying asset's value moves beyond the range of the two strike prices.

  10. (alt form)