
suomi-englanti sanakirja

rostro englanniksi

  1. trunk, proboscis (gloss)

  2. snout

  3. beak (gloss)

  4. beak of a ship

  5. face

  6. (syn)

  7. plough's shoe

  8. any beaklike extension

  9. bill

  10. prolonged rigid process

  11. beak of a ship; rostrum in a forum

  12. rostrum

  13. ram, beak

  14. bill, beak (of a bird)

  15. nib

  16. (inflection of)

  17. (alternative form of)

  18. 1437, A. Rodríguez González (ed.), ''Livro do Concello de Pontevedra (1431-1463)''. Pontevedra: Museo de Pontevedra, page 127:

  19. ''Pero Ares d'Aldãa, tenente lugar ẽna dita billa e torres dela por noso señor o arçebispo de Santiago dom Lopo, e Pero Falcon, juis, Juan Garçia Rouquo, Lourenço Yanes de Pastoris, alcaldes, Alvaro Lopes, Garçia Goterres, Afonso Basques, Fernan Basques, jurados, Pero de Plazer, procurador do dito Conçello, diseron que por rason que algũus mercadores e suas mercadorias e navios se temian e reçeavan de vĩir a esta dita billa e seu porto con as ditas suas mercadorias e navios, entendendo de seer prendados e penorados por las mercadorias que Gonçalvo Correa tomara eno dito porto e levara ẽna barcha chamada per nome "Rostro Fremoso"''
    : Pedro Ares de Aldán, lieutenant in this town Pontevedra and it's towers on behalf of our lord the archbishop of Santiado Don Lopo; Xoán Garcia Rouco, Lourenzo Yanes de Pastoriza, mayors; Álvaro López, Garcia Gotérrez, Afonso Vázquez, Fernán Vázquez, councilors; Pedro de Placer, town agent; they said that since certain merchants and their goods and ships feared and distrusted coming to this town and harbor with their mentioned goods and ships, believing that they would be seized and confiscated because of the trade goods that Gonzalo Correa took at this harbor and carried away in the ship named "Beauty Face";
  20. face (gloss)