
suomi-englanti sanakirja

maverick englannista suomeksi

  1. merkitsemätön eläin, merkitsemätön vasikka

  2. rajojaylittävä

  3. yksinäinen susi

  1. itsenäinen, riippumaton

  2. Substantiivi

  3. merkitsemätön eläin">merkitsemätön eläin

  4. kapinallinen, sooloilija, toisinajattelija

  5. Verbi

maverick englanniksi

  1. Unbranded.

  2. (quote-book)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Baker & Godwin, printers,(nb...)|year=1875|section=V|pages=62–63|pageurl=|oclc=1006490491|passage=Occasionally some young men who have no cattle of their own will take part in these expeditions, or they will give their services by the year to receive a ''pro rata'' of all the maverick cattle that may be found. Quoted from ''The Texas New Yorker'', pages 110–111.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. Showing independence in thoughts or actions.

  5. (ux)

  6. (quote-book), the internationally renowned economist, was impressed by Turing|Alan Turing's work, and his unorthodox style. (..) It is quite likely that Keynes viewed Alan and his maverick attitude to maths research sympathetically.

  7. An unbranded range animal. (defdate)

  8. (quote-book)|location=San Antonio, Tx.|publisher=Herald Steam Job Printing House and Book Bindery|year=1872|page=36|pageurl=|oclc=1021977|passage=In this distribution, care is taken to leave not only those which bear the owner's mark and brand, but his due proportion of the mavericksthat have been found upon the expedition. ''footnote'': *The term "maverick" is applied in this country to all animals that have neither mark nor brand upon them, and originated in this way:(nb..)

  9. (quote-journal)

  10. (quote-book) William Sydney Porter|chapter=A Call Loan|title=Heart of the West|location=City, N.Y.|publisher=Published by (publisher)|Doubleday, Page & Company for of Reviews|Review of Reviews Co.|year=1904|page=241|pageurl=|oclc=6038180|passage=Long Bill was a graduate of the camp and trail. Luck and thrift, a cool head, and a telescopic eye for mavericks had raised him from cowboy to be a cowman.

  11. Anything dishonestly obtained.

  12. One who is unconventional or does not abide by rules. (defdate)

  13. (synonyms)

  14. (quote-journal)&93;, hereinafter referred to as the mavericks of the engineering profession."

  15. {{quote-journal|1=en|date=2 Feb 2021|author=Katharine Murphy|journal=The Guardian|url=|

  16. One who creates or uses controversial or unconventional ideas or practices.

  17. (quote-book) would have been perceived as a maverick during her early career, because she was prioritizing hygiene when everybody else involved in healthcare was focused on other things, such as surgery and pills.

  18. A person in the military who became an officer by going to college while on duty as an enlisted person.

  19. A queen and a jack as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em.

  20. To take an unbranded range animal.

  21. To seize without a legal claim.