
suomi-englanti sanakirja

controversial englannista suomeksi

  1. kiistanalainen, kiistelty

  1. kiistelty, kiistanalainen

  2. Substantiivi

controversial englanniksi

  1. Arousing controversy—a debate or discussion of opposing opinions.

  2. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  3. {{quote-av

  4. Someone or something that is controversial.

  5. (quote-book)|year=1864|page=88|pageurl=|passage=No fundamental doctrine was omitted. Controversials were carefully avoided. Whether any blessing attended these attempts, will be known at the last day.

  6. (quote-book)’s conspicuous controversials were a wonderful gift to ''(magazine)|Punch'', and were welcomed with enthusiasm and joyful derision by the cartoonists (..)

  7. (quote-book), Lyricist|location=Ann Arbor, Mich.|publisher=of Michigan Press|The University of Michigan Press|year=1993|page=357|pageurl=|isbn=0-472-10482-9|passage=Napoleon’s a pastry / Get this under your brow / All those big wig controversials / Are all commercials now.

  8. (quote-book)|year=1997|page=116|pageurl=|isbn=0-86377-767-8|passage=Although the numbers of controversial children were few, their finely tuned distinction between types of transgression concurs with the observation that the behaviour of controversials is highly skilled. While the behaviour of controversial children may often meet with negative reactions from peers and reprimands from adults, controversials may engage in even more prosocial behaviour than do popular peers (Dodge, 1983).

  9. (quote-book)

  10. (quote-book) Lastly, a few managers suggested that controversials might have specific personality traits that make them liked by some and disliked by others.

  11. (l)

  12. (syn)

  13. {{quote-journal|es|year=2015|month=December|author=|title="Estamos en el comienzo de un reexamen del capitalismo"|work=El Pais (Uruguay)|url=