
suomi-englanti sanakirja

malcontent englannista suomeksi

  1. tyytymätön henkilö

  2. tyytymätön

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

malcontent englanniksi

  1. Dissatisfied with current conditions; disaffected, discontented, rebellious.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (quote-journal) he died of a sore throat, and rash fever, occasioned by an imprudent participation in the festivities of his birthday. The famous humourist, Dr. Radcliffe (physician)|John Radcliffe, the Abernethy of his day, who was malcontent with the government, was called in too late, he declared, to save his royal patient.

  4. (quote-book), 200 (Manhattan)|Broadway; Philadelphia, Pa.: Swett Appleton|George Swett Appleton, 164 Street (Philadelphia)|Chestnut-Street|year=1851|volume=II|page=331|pageurl=|oclc=1965434|passage=Sir, I will stake any thing short of my salvation, that those who are malcontent now, will be more malcontent three years hence, than they are at this day. I have no favor for this Constitution.

  5. (quote-journal)

  6. 1999, Jodi J. Olshevski; Anne D. Katz; Knight (psychologist)|Bob G. Knight; T. J. McCallum, “Stress-Neutral Thoughts”, in ''Stress Reduction for Caregivers'', Philadelphia, Pa.; London: Brunner/Mazel, Standard Book Number|ISBN 978-0-87630-940-7; republished New York, N.Y.: (w), 2012, page 94:

  7. The stress created by all of the changes seemed to be more than she could handle. Initially, she thought her husband was malcontent on purpose and felt he was aware of the arguments he seemed to be starting.
  8. (senseid) A person who is not satisfied with current conditions; a discontented person, a rebel.

  9. (circa), Marston (poet)|John Marston; (w), The Malcontent|''The Malcontent'' (..), London; republished in &91;(w), editor&93;, ''A Select Collection of Old Plays'' (..), volume 4, 2nd edition, London: Dodsley|James Dodsley, 1780, (w) 645791152, page 17:

  10. The diſcord rather than the muſick is heard from the malcontent Malevole's chamber.
  11. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Rest Fenner; S. Birt|year=1734|page=27|pageurl=|oclc=557614377|passage=For is it not eaſy to ſee, that a Prince made ''odious'' and ''contemptible'', will ſoon be removed from his Throne, when it is in the Power of the Malecontents to bring about ſuch a fatal Revolution?

  12. (quote-journal) Everywhere confronted by implacable circumstance, what remained for the malcontent but to flee from his enemy, and endeavour to retrieve his broken fortunes in a new world! (..) So the malcontent took passage for Australia, and blessed us with his presence.

  13. A state of discontentment or dissatisfaction; something that causes discontent.

  14. To cause discontent or dissatisfaction.

  15. (quote-journal) Bond adventure with a (w) delivery, reams of malcontenting and anti-literary remarks, first-class manipulation of Anglo-Saxon's juicier words, and quotations from the Great Books and from (w)'s notebook.

  16. (l)

  17. a discontent person.

  18. a Dutch Roman Catholic noble who served the Spanish cause early in the Dutch revolt

  19. (syn)

  20. a liberal Protestant in the early 20th century who rejected conventional liberalism and almost deistic theology and advocated social gospel theology and politics

  21. unhappy

  22. unhappy

  23. (l)