
suomi-englanti sanakirja

unhappy englannista suomeksi

  1. onneton

  2. huono, surullinen, tyytymätön

  3. ikävä

  1. onneton

  2. tyytymätön

  3. epäonninen

  4. sopimaton

  5. Substantiivi

  6. Verbi

unhappy englanniksi

  1. Not happy; sad.

  2. {{quote-text|en|year=1728|author=John Gay|title=The Beggar's Opera

  3. Not satisfied; unsatisfied.

  4. (ux)

  5. Not lucky; unlucky.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. Not suitable; unsuitable.

  8. (RQ:Foxe Martyrs)

  9. A person who is not happy.

  10. 1972, ''The New Yorker'' (volume 48, part 1, page 109)

  11. Leduc, as is true of many other unhappies, is largely a confessional writer: her subject is herself, and her gift is a driving, vivacious power that turns her incurable, inveterate unhappiness into a series of dramas (..)
  12. To make or become unhappy; to sadden.

  13. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 2)

  14. unhap

  15. (RQ:Malory Le Morte Darthur)