


  1. onneton, surullinen



  1. masentava, iloton, tyytymätön, alakuloinen, onneton, huono, ikävä, surullinen.

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huono, surullinen

ikävä Not happy; sad.
Wikipedia:John Gay|John Gay, The Beggars Opera''

A moment of time may make us unhappy forever.
Not satisfied; unsatisfied.

An unhappy customer is unlikely to return to your shop.

Not lucky; unlucky.

The doomed lovers must have been born under an unhappy star.

Not suitable; unsuitable.
John Foxe
The people, if they are not strangely bentAgainst our welfare, never will consentTo this unhappy match, foreboding ill:What's it to us, if th' adverse nation will?
An individual who is not happy.
1972, The New Yorker (volume 48, part 1, page 109)
Leduc, as is true of many other unhappies, is largely a confessional writer: her subject is herself, and her gift is a driving, vivacious power that turns her incurable, inveterate unhappiness into a series of dramas (..)


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unentulo, uneton, unettaa, unettomuus, unho, unhoittaa

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