
suomi-englanti sanakirja

licht englanniksi

  1. light, of little weight

  2. easy, mild

  3. light, illumination

  4. light source

  5. inspiration (in ''z'n licht opsteken''); a bright mind

  6. 1992, F. Th. van der Heijden|A. F. Th. van der Heijden, ''Weerborstels'', Em. Querido's Uitgeverij, page 52:

  7. {{quote|nl|Geen groot licht, die Bossche voddendief, maar ik deed het ermee.
  8. light, bright

  9. (ant)

  10. (infl of)

  11. light, bright (luminescent)

  12. unobstructed, clear

  13. (ux)

  14. light

  15. Bible, Genesis 1:5

  16. (quote)
  17. (senseid) light, not heavy

  18. lighthearted

  19. light, easy

  20. (senseid) light

  21. daylight

  22. illumination

  23. sight, ability to see

  24. insight, knowledge

  25. (senseid) light, not dark

  26. shining, luminous

  27. light in colour

  28. A light.

  29. lichts - Lungs.

  30. To light, lighten.

  31. Light, bright.

  32. Light (gloss).

  33. Underweight.

  34. Light, lightly.