
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lego englanniksi

  1. Lego, Lego set

  1. (alternative case form of)

  2. to go of, release, drop

  3. to leave someone or something, abandon

  4. to leave a place

  5. Lego, lego, Lego brick (gloss)

  6. (l)

  7. (inflection of)

  8. to choose, select

  9. (syn)

  10. to appoint

  11. (Q) dum ne quem militem legeret ex eo numero quibus senatus missionem reditumque in patriam negasset ante belli finem.|year=27-25 BCE|trans=(..) provided he did not choose any soldier from those to whom the Senate had refused discharge and a return home before the end of the war

  12. (senseid) to collect, gather, bring together, catch

  13. (Q)

  14. to out, out, extract, remove

  15. to take to one's self unjustly, off, steal, purloin, plunder, abstract

  16. to read

  17. (uxi)

  18. to teach, profess

  19. to dispatch, send as ambassador

  20. to send on mission

  21. to assign as a legatus

  22. to delegate, entrust, assign, deputize

  23. to appoint by a last will or testament, leave or bequeath as a legacy

  24. (alt case)

  25. (nn-former-context) (infl of)

  26. layman

  27. Lego (gloss)

  28. any similar brick toy

  29. things that can be assembled together to form a larger thing

  30. (pt-verb form of)

  31. ignorant, lay

  32. (es-verb form of)

  33. Lego

  34. (ux)

  35. (ng); an (glossary) of (m).

  36. (ux)|a subcontracting agreement

    (ux)|a mercenary