
suomi-englanti sanakirja

hoodwink englannista suomeksi

  1. huiputtaa

  2. petkuttaa, huijata

  1. Verbi

  2. hämätä

  3. Substantiivi

hoodwink englanniksi

  1. To cover the eyes with, or as if with, a hood; to blindfold. (defdate)

  2. (RQ:Montaigne Florio Essayes)

  3. (RQ:Coryat Crudities)|page=261|lines=9–16|passage=It is the cuſtome of theſe maydes when they walke in the ſtreetes, to couer their faces with their vailes ''verecundiæ cauſâ'' of modesty, the ſtuffe being ſo thin and ſlight, that they may eaſily looke through it. For it is made of a pretty ſlender ſilke, and very finely curled: ſo that becauſe ſhe thus hoodwinketh her ſelfe, you can very ſeldome ſee her face at full when ſhe walketh abroad, though perhaps you earneſtly deſire it, but only a little glimpſe thereof.

  4. To deceive using a disguise; to bewile, dupe, mislead.

  5. (RQ:Sidney Arcadia)

  6. (RQ:Dickens Bleak House)

  7. (quote-book)|edition=2nd|location=|publisher=(...) &91;Constable (printer and publisher)|Thomas and Archibald Constable at the (w)&93; for private circulation|year=1871|section=chapter IX, verse 24|page=27|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=8D3Q3BxxmSUC&pg=PA27|oclc=264992400|passage=The earth is given over into the hand of the Wicked One, / Who hoodwinketh the faces of its judges. / If this be not so, where, who is HE?

  8. (quote-book)|year=1911|section=section III (The Cult of Gods, Spirits, Fairies, and the Dead)|page=435|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=Jyoaa2ZN0qYC&pg=PA435|oclc=30416129|passage=Local prophecy declares on Merlin's authority that when the tree falls Carmarthen will fall with it. Perhaps through an unconscious desire on the part of some patriotic citizens of averting the calamity by inducing the tree-spirit to transfer its abode, or else by otherwise hoodwinking the tree-spirit into forgetting that Merlin's Oak is dead, a vigorous and now flourishing young oak has been planted so directly beside it that its foliage embraces it.

  9. (quote-journal)

  10. (quote-journal) hoodwinks Mr. Averell Harriman|William Averell Harriman and the Democratic Party?

  11. (quote-journal) to hear Gulley tell about hoodwinking his former or prospective rich patrons with absurd pranks?

  12. (quote-book): How a Remarkable Woman Crossed Seas and Empires to Become a Part of World History|location=London|publisher=Harper Perennial|year=2007|year_published=2008|page=39|isbn=978-0-00-719219-9|passage=As his correspondence with successive aristocratic First Lords of the Admiralty reveals, he was both unctuously deferential in his dealings with his official and social superiors, and capable sometimes of hoodwinking them.

  13. (quote-book)

  14. To hide or obscure.

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)

  16. (quote-journal) The heirs of D. Willison, for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green,(nb...); and (w),(nb...)|month=March|year=1827|volume=XLV|issue=XC|page=285|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=_rRZAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA285|oclc=950902861|passage=The time was not yet come when eloquence was to be gagged, and reason to be hoodwinked—when the harp of the poet was to be hung on the willows of Arno, and the right hand of the painter to forget its cunning.

  17. To close the eyes.

  18. (RQ:Milton Animadversions)

  19. An act of hiding from sight, or something that cloaks or hides another thing from view.

  20. (RQ:John Gay Distress'd Wife)

  21. (RQ:Blackmore Perlycross)

  22. The game of blind man's buff.

  23. (synonyms)

  24. (RQ:Drayton Poly-Olbion)