
suomi-englanti sanakirja

greve englanniksi

  1. count (q)

  2. heavy

  3. (RQ:it:Commedia)

  4. (RQ:it:Canzoniere) Non molto andremod’amor parlando omai, ché ’l duro et greveterreno incarco come frescha nevesi va struggendo (..)|We're not going to be talking about love for long now, for the hard and heavy earthly load melts away like fresh snow

  5. {{quote-book

  6. coarse, vulgar

  7. thicket, copse, bush; shrubbery, undergrowth

  8. grove, wood

  9. a count or earl (qualifier)

  10. strike (gloss)

  11. (syn)

  12. (noun form of)

  13. gravy

  14. a count

  15. (ux)

  16. an earl

  17. grove, small wood

  18. (alt form)