
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gelid englannista suomeksi

  1. jääkylmä, jäinen

  1. jäätävä, jääkylmä

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

gelid englanniksi

  1. Very cold; icy or frosty.

  2. (RQ:Carlyle French Revolution)-(w) we have spoken often; yet the most surprising truth remains to be spoken: that he actually does not want sense; but, with croaking gelid throat, croaks out masses of the truth, on several things.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. row of a formation, battle line

  5. an organizational rank, especially a military rank

  6. a joint, a point of articulation

  7. to graze, consume

  8. (circa), ''De Origine Scoticae Linguae'' from the Yellow Book of Lecan, O'Mulc. 830

  9. (quote)
  10. (circa), ''Immacaldam Choluim Cille ⁊ ind óclaig'', published in "The Lough Foyle Colloquy Texts: Immacaldam Choluim Chille 7 ind Óclaig oc Carraic Eolairg and Immacaldam in Druad Brain 7 Inna Banḟátho Febuil Ós Loch Ḟebuil", ''Ériu'' 52 (2002), pp. 53-87, edited and with translations by John Carey,

  11. (RQ:sga:Glosses)