
suomi-englanti sanakirja

articulation englannista suomeksi

  1. liittäminen

  2. lausuminen, ilmaiseminen, artikulointi, artikuloiminen, artikulaatio

  3. ilmaisu

  4. nivellys, nivelliitos, niveltäminen

  5. nivel

  1. Substantiivi

  2. nivel single joint, nivelistö collection of joints

  3. nivellys, niveltäminen

  4. lausuminen, artikulointi, artikulaatio

  5. artikulointi

  6. yhteys

articulation englanniksi

  1. A joint or the collection of joints at which something is articulated, or hinged, for bending.

  2. (ux)

  3. A manner or method by which elements of a system are connected.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. The quality, clarity or sharpness of speech.

  6. The manner in which a phoneme is pronounced.

  7. The manner in which something is articulated (tongued, slurred or bowed).

  8. The interrelation and congruence of the flow of data between financial statements of an entity, especially between the statement and sheet.

  9. 1991, Stephen P. Taylor, “From Moneyflows Accounts to Flow-of-Funds Accounts”, printed in John C. Dawson (editor), ''Flow-of-Funds Analysis: A Handbook for Practitioners'', M.E. Sharpe (1996), (ISBN), page 103:

  10. At the time the outstanding distinction that could be seen between Copeland-Fed on the one hand and Goldsmith-Friend on the other was that the flow-of-funds system explicitly included nonfinancial transactions in the statistical structure in direct articulation with financial flows and stocks.
  11. 2005, David T. Collins, “Accounting and Financial Reporting Issues”, Chapter 6 of Robert L. Brown and Alan S. Gutterman (editors), ''Emerging Companies Guide: A Resource for Professionals and Entrepreneurs'', American Bar Association, (ISBN), page 169:

  12. Particular income statement accounts (revenues and expenses) are linked to particular balance sheet accounts (assets and liabilities); that is, there is articulation between the income statement and the balance sheet.
  13. 2005, Roger L. Burritt, “Challenges for Environmental Management Accounting”, Chapter 2 of Pall M. Rikhardsson et al. (editors), ''Implementing Environmental Management Accounting: Status and Challenges'', Springer, (ISBN), page 28:

  14. The emphasis on articulated information about environmental liabilities in the management accounts is not stressed. Articulation between stock and flow information in physical environment terms receives less attention.
  15. The induction of a pupil into a new school or college.

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=1949|author=Wilfred Mason Landrus|title=Articulation Between the Elementary and Secondary School Levels|page=47

  17. {{quote-book|en|year=1950|author=Committee on High School-College Relationships|title=High School-college Curriculum Articulation in Minnesota|page=18

  18. joint (joint with freedom to rotate)

  19. (l) (quality, clarity or sharpness of speech)