
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pupil englannista suomeksi

  1. silmäterä, mustuainen, pupilli

  2. koululainen

  3. oppilas

  1. oppilas

  2. pupilli, silmäterä, mustuainen

  3. Substantiivi

pupil englanniksi

  1. (senseid) A learner at a school under the supervision of a teacher.

  2. 1668 December 19, Dalrymple, 1st Viscount of Stair|James Dalrymple, “''Mr.'' Alexander Seaton ''contra'' Menzies” in ''The Deciſions of the Lords of Council & Seſſion'' I (Edinburgh, 1683), page 575

  3. The Pupil after his Pupillarity, had granted a Diſcharge to one of the Co-tutors, which did extinguiſh the whole Debt of that Co-tutor, and conſequently of all the reſt, they being all ''correi debendi'', lyable by one individual Obligation, which cannot be Diſcharged as to one, and ſtand as to all the reſt.
  4. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-07-19|author=Peter Wilby

  5. One who studies under supervision of a renowned expert in their field.

  6. (ux)

  7. An orphan who is a minor and under the protection of the state.

  8. (senseid) The hole in the middle of the iris of the eye, through which light passes to be focused on the retina.

  9. (quote-book)|year=1983|publisher=Knopf|ISBN=0679722106|passage=There are sharks with round pupils, sharks with slitlike pupils, and some with pupils that expand and contract with the amount of light available. As unimpressive as this might sound to people who are used to having their pupils dilate and contract regularly, realize that ''no bony fish'' has this modification of the eye.|page=29

  10. The central dark part of an ocellated spot.

  11. orphan

  12. (syn)

  13. (l) (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye)

  14. (l) (gloss)

  15. (l), generally a prepubescent child over the age of 5

  16. favoured student, protégé

  17. institutionalised (l) (gloss)

  18. (l)

  19. (l) (gloss)

  20. son, favored student, protégé, teacher's pet

  21. (l) (gl)

  22. (l)