first class

suomi-englanti sanakirja

first class englannista suomeksi

  1. ensimmäinen luokka

  2. ensimmäisen luokan

  3. ensimmäisessä luokassa

  1. ensiluokkainen, ensimmäisen luokan">ensimmäisen luokan genitive of noun

  2. ensimmäisessä luokassa">ensimmäisessä luokassa inessive of noun

  3. ykkösluokka / ykkösluokan

  4. ensiluokan">ensiluokan

  5. Substantiivi

  6. ensimmäinen luokka">ensimmäinen luokka, ykkösluokka

first class englanniksi

  1. Belonging to the best or top group in a system of classification.

  2. ''That was a first class restaurant.''

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. Of, or relating to the most luxurious and expensive class of accommodation on a train, ship, hotel, etc.

  5. ''We travelled first class to New York.''

  6. Of, or relating to a class of mail to be delivered before class.

  7. ''First class stamps are now more expensive.''

  8. Great, very enjoyable.

  9. ''- How was your holiday? - It was first class.''

  10. Of or relating to a class match.

  11. Of or relating to a treatment like that for a object.

  12. ''Java has no first-class functions, so function objects are usually expressed by an interface with a single method.''

  13. (A status, section, etc which is of) premier rank.

  14. ''sat in first class''; ''attained first class in the Boy Scouts''

  15. the third year of primary school, following after the junior and senior infant levels.

  16. One of two classes of city government in the U.S. state of Kentucky, in which cities elect a mayor and aldermen.