
suomi-englanti sanakirja

envelope englannista suomeksi

  1. kaasusäiliö

  2. kuori, päällys

  3. kirjekuori

  4. vaippa

  5. verhokäyrä

  6. huipputeho

  1. kirjekuori

  2. kääre, päällys, kuori

  3. kuori

  4. vaippa

  5. verhokäyrä

  6. rajakäyrä

  7. Substantiivi

  8. Verbi

envelope englanniksi

  1. A paper or cardboard wrapper used to enclose small, flat items, especially letters, for mailing.

  2. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-06-14|author=Jonathan Freedland

  3. Something that envelops; a wrapping.

  4. (syn)

  5. A bag containing the lifting gas of a balloon or airship; fabric that encloses the gas-bags of an airship.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. A mathematical curve, surface{{, or higher-dimensional object that is the tangent to a given family of lines, curves, surfaces{{, or higher-dimensional objects. Category:en:Curves

  8. A curve that bounds another curve or set of curves, as the modulation envelope of an amplitude-modulated carrier wave in electronics.

  9. The shape of a sound, which may be controlled by a synthesizer or sampler.

  10. The information used for routing a message that is transmitted with the message but not part of its contents.

  11. An enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane; a space between two membranes

  12. The set of limitations within which a technological system can perform safely and effectively.

  13. (coi)

  14. (quote-book)|year=1980|publisher=Bantam Books|page=350|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/rightstuffthe00tomw/page/350/mode/1up|isbn=978-0-553-25596-6|passage= Few of the lads had ever been in combat and they knew little about the critical tolerances of fighter aircraft during violent maneuvers. They knew where the outside of the envelope was, but they didn't know about the part where you reached the outside and then ''stretched'' her a little . . .

  15. The nebulous covering of the head or nucleus of a comet; a coma.

  16. An earthwork in the form of a single parapet or a small rampart, sometimes raised in the ditch and sometimes beyond it.

  17. To put (something) in an envelope.

  18. (quote-book)&93;|chapter=VII|title=Armytage|Mrs. Armytage; or, Female Domination.(nb...)|volume=II|location=London|publisher=(w),(nb...)|year=1836|page=109|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/mrsarmytageorfem02gore/page/109/mode/1up|passage=Arthur Armytage drew the precious document from his bureau; and without trusting himself to a re-perusal, enveloped and re-enveloped—sealed and resealed it;—mounted his horse, and rode off to Greta Castle.

  19. (quote-journal)

  20. (quote-book): Including Selections from His Poems, Correspondence, and Miscellaneous Writings|series=(w) Series|volume=III|location=Dublin|publisher=Figgis|Hodges, Figgis, & Co.,(nb...); London: Longmans, Green, & Co.,(nb...)|date=3 July 1857|year_published=1889|page=519|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/lifeofsirwilliam03gravuoft/page/519/mode/1up|passage=I suspect you write letters as hens lay eggs, find that Lady Hamilton finds them, envelopes them, puts them before you as official letters, and you direct them as per memorandum affixed.

  21. (archaic form of)

  22. {{quote-text|en|year=1877|author=James Booth|title=A Treatise on Some New Geometrical Methods|page=209

  23. (l)

  24. (pt-verb form of)