
suomi-englanti sanakirja

coma englannista suomeksi

  1. tajuttomuus, kooma

  2. siemenkarva

  3. koma

  1. kooma, tajuttomuus

  2. huntu, koma

  3. Verbi

  4. Substantiivi

coma englanniksi

  1. A state of unconsciousness from which one may not wake up, usually induced by some form of trauma.

  2. (coi)

  3. {{quote-book

  4. A cloud of dust surrounding the nucleus of a comet.

  5. A defect characterized by diffuse, pear-shaped images that in an ideal image would appear as points.

  6. A tuft or bunch, such as the assemblage of branches forming the head of a tree, a cluster of bracts when empty and terminating the inflorescence of a plant, or a tuft of long hairs on certain seeds.

  7. (inflection of)

  8. (l) (gloss)

  9. comma (gloss)

  10. comma (q)

  11. combe, cwm, cirque

  12. (syn)

  13. an alpine meadow situated between two peaks

  14. coma (state of unconsciousness)

  15. coma (head of a comet)

  16. {{quote-text|fr|year=1825|author=Etienne-Marin Bailly|title=Traité anatomico-pathologique des fièvres intermittentes simples et pernicieuses

  17. as (gloss)

  18. (uxi)

  19. (l) (of a comet)

  20. mane (of a horse)

  21. comma

  22. (gl-verb form of)

  23. coma

  24. (syn of)

  25. (l)

  26. (alt form)

  27. subsection

  28. The hair of the head.

  29. foliage

  30. (l), state of unconsciousness

  31. abundant hair of the head

  32. mane

  33. comet (l)

  34. rest

  35. (pt-verb form of)

  36. indifferent, unconcerned

  37. reckless, careless

  38. expressing dislike or even hate when used with (m)

  39. (uxi), but (lang) doesn't care whether the king likes him or not.

  40. misericord

  41. section

  42. (l) (gl)

  43. mane

  44. (es-verb form of)

  45. comma