
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cove englannista suomeksi

  1. merenlahti, poukama

  2. sola

  1. poukama, lahti

  2. kaveri, heppu

  3. Substantiivi

cove englanniksi

  1. A hollow in a rock; a cave or cavern. (defdate)

  2. A concave vault or archway, especially the arch of a ceiling. (defdate)

  3. A small coastal inlet, especially one having high cliffs protecting vessels from prevailing winds. (defdate)

  4. (RQ:Livy Holland Romane Historie)

  5. A strip of prairie extending into woodland.

  6. A recess or sheltered area on the slopes of a mountain. (defdate)

  7. The wooden roof of the stern gallery of an old sailing warship. (defdate)

  8. A thin line, sometimes gilded, along a yacht's strake below deck level. (defdate)

  9. A valley between two ridges.

  10. *(quote-book)

  11. To arch over; to build in a hollow concave form; to make in the form of a cove.

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1779|author=Henry Swinburne|title=Travels through Spain

  13. A fellow; a man.

  14. (RQ:Thackeray Pendennis)

  15. (quote-book)| isbn=9780385619271| page=326| passage=At one point, a friendly-looking sort of cove with silver hair and a grandfatherly kind of face beamed at him (..)

  16. A friend; a mate.

  17. Of a bird or other animal: to brood, cover, incubate, or sit over (eggs).

  18. (synonyms)

  19. (RQ:Plutarch Holland Morals)

  20. a large basket

  21. (monikko) it|cova