
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cherub englannista suomeksi

  1. kerubi

  2. pyöreäposkinen pikkulapsi

  1. Substantiivi

  2. kerubi

  3. enkeli

cherub englanniksi

  1. A winged creature attending God and guarding his throne; similar to a lamassu (winged bull with a human torso) in the pre-exilic texts of the Bible, more humanoid in later texts.

  2. A winged angel, described by (w) ((circa2)) as the second highest order of angels, ranked above thrones and below seraphim.

  3. (RQ:Tyndale NT)

  4. (RQ:King James Version)

  5. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  6. (RQ:Dryden Fables) / Whoſe Face is Paradiſe, but fenc'd from Sin: / For God in either Eye has plac'd a Cherubin.

  7. (quote-book) Exodus.(nb...)|location=Boston, Mass.|publisher=Published for the proprietors Church Printing Society, by Otis Clapp,(nb...)|year=1846|volume=XI |section=note 9506|page=345|pageurl=|oclc=191249291|passage=By cherubs is signified guard and providence lest the Lord should be come at except by the good of love, thus to prevent any entering into heaven except they who are in good, also to prevent those who are in heaven, from being approached and hurt by those who are in hell. From these things it may be manifest what was signified by the propitiatory being over the ark, and by the cherubs being over the propitiatory and by the propitiatory and the cherubs being of pure gold; for gold signifies the good of love, and the ark heaven where the Lord is. Exodus 25:17–22 of the Bible.

  8. (RQ:Melville Moby-Dick)

  9. (quote-journal)|editor=Gilbert Holland|Josiah Gilbert Holland|magazine=Scribner's Monthly|Scribner’s Monthly, an Illustrated Magazine for the People|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Charles Scribner's Sons|Scribner & Co.,(nb...)|month=January|year=1872|volume=III|issue=3|section=stanza IV|page=278|pageurl=|oclc=614212182|passage=Angels and Archangels / May have gathered there, / Cherubim and Seraphim / Thronged the air; / But only His Mother / In her maiden bliss / Worshiped the Beloved / With a kiss.

  10. In later texts changed to a winged baby; in artistic depictions sometimes a baby's head with wings but no body.

  11. (synonyms)

  12. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Impensis Adams (publisher)|Thomæ Adams |year=1611 |page=1164 |pageurl=|oclc=863615948|passage=For ſome colour of ſetting vp their idols in Churches to bee worſhiped, they full ſimply alledge the Cherubins that were ſet vp in the temple which ''Solomon'' built, which ''M.'' William Bishop (bishop)|''William'' ''Bishop'' ſaith were ''the images of Angels'', and that they did repreſent the Angels wee will not deny, but ''of what ſhape they were, no man'' ſaith ''Joſephus'', ''can cõiecture or affirme any thing''.

  13. (RQ:Mary Shelley Frankenstein)

  14. (quote-book)

  15. (quote-book) Raphael Simon|chapter=The Royal Kennels |title=This Isn't What It Looks Like|This Isn’t What It Looks Like|series=The Secret Series|seriesvolume=4|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Little, Brown and Company|year=2010|isbn=978-0-316-07625-8|location2=London|publisher2=Publishing|Usborne|year2=2014|isbn2=978-1-4095-5473-8|passage=The kennels occupied a long brick building designed to resemble the palace in miniature. Inside, the walls were painted with murals of dogs frolicking in the woods and giving chase to a frightened fox while chubby canine cherubim smiled down at them.

  16. A person, especially a child, seen as being particularly angelic or innocent.

  17. (RQ:Shakespeare Othello Q1)

  18. (RQ:Shakespeare Timon of Athens)

  19. (quote-web)'' Go Down|archiveurl=|archivedate=24 May 2019|work=The A.V. Club|date=12 December 2018|passage=The zippy musical numbers in which Mary Poppins (a stiff-lipped (w)) whisks cherubs Annabel, John, and Georgie ((w), (w), and Joel Dawson, respectively) away into colorful hyperreal fantasias impress.

  20. (l)

  21. lamassu-like angel

  22. six-winged humanoid angel

  23. (l)

  24. cherub

  25. (RQ:Vulgate) & (RQ:Vulgate)

  26. duos quoque cherubin aureos et productiles facies ex utraque parte oraculi
    cherub unus sit in latere uno et alter in altero
  27. (rfdate) Nova Vulgata, Exodus 25:18&19

  28. {{quote|la|Duos quoque cherubim aureos et productiles facies ex utraque parte propitiatorii,cherub unus sit in latere uno et alter in altero
  29. (RQ:Vulgate)

  30. Nova Vulgata, Ezechiel 9:3

  31. Et gloria Dei Israel elevata est de cherub, super quem erat, ad limen domus; et vocavit virum, qui indutus erat lineis et atramentarium scriptoris habebat in lumbis suis.
  32. (alt form)

  33. (alt form)

  34. (syn)