
suomi-englanti sanakirja

batang englanniksi

  1. log

  2. to lie prostrate

  3. to keep in one place

  4. to stay in one place permanently

  5. to around

  6. a (l); the (l) of a dead (l), cleared of branches

  7. a (l); a straight, round stick, shaft, bar, cane, or staff.

  8. a (l), any of the parts of something that divides like the branch of a tree.

  9. a (l)

  10. (syn)

  11. (l) for (l), (l) or something like (l) or (l).

  12. (l)

  13. river (large stream which drains a landmass)

  14. to read (qualifier)

  15. branch (gloss)

  16. letter (gloss)

  17. to perch, to alight

  18. tree trunk, fallen tree, log

  19. stem of a plant

  20. (romanization of).

  21. log (gl)

  22. trunk

  23. stalk

  24. letter (gl)

  25. consonant (gl)