
suomi-englanti sanakirja

stalk englannista suomeksi

  1. väijyminen

  2. vaania, väijyä

  3. jalka, varsi

  4. olki

  5. vaaniminen

  6. käynti

  7. seurailla, vainota

  8. köpittää

  1. varsi

  2. varsi; ruoto stem of a quill

  3. runko

  4. kaula

  5. tappi

  6. vaania, väijyä

  7. seurailla

  8. kekkalehtia

  9. Verbi

stalk englanniksi

  1. The stem or main axis of a plant, which supports the seed-carrying parts.

  2. (ux)

  3. {{RQ:Vance Nobody|I

  4. The petiole, pedicel, or peduncle of a plant.

  5. Something resembling the stalk of a plant, such as the stem of a quill.

  6. (RQ:Grew Musaeum Regalis Societatis)

  7. An ornament in the Corinthian capital resembling the stalk of a plant, from which the volutes and helices spring.

  8. One of the two upright pieces of a ladder.

  9. A stem or peduncle, as in certain barnacles and crinoids.

  10. The narrow basal portion of the abdomen of a hymenopterous insect.

  11. The peduncle of the eyes of decapod crustaceans.

  12. An iron bar with projections inserted in a core to strengthen it; a core arbor.

  13. Informally, a construction which generalizes that of the notion of the ring of germs of functions near a point to the context of arbitrary sheaves. Formally, given a sheaf \mathcal{F} on a space X, and a point x in X, the limit of the sections of F on the neighborhoods of x ordered by reverse inclusion. See (pedia)

  14. (senseid) To approach slowly and quietly in order not to be discovered when getting closer.

  15. (RQ:Scott Peveril of the Peak)

  16. (RQ:Chambers Younger Set)

  17. To (try to) follow or contact someone constantly, often resulting in harassment.(w)

  18. To walk slowly and cautiously; to walk in a stealthy, noiseless manner.

  19. (RQ:Dryden Spanish Fryar)

  20. (RQ:Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing)

  21. To walk behind something, such as a screen, for the purpose of approaching game; to proceed under cover.

  22. (RQ:Bacon Apophthegmes)crept under the shoulder of his led horse;(..)"I must stalk," said he.

  23. {{quote-text|en|year=1612|author=Michael Drayton|title=Poly-Olbion

  24. A particular episode of trying to follow or contact someone.

  25. The hunting of a wild animal by stealthy approach.

  26. {{quote-text|en|year=1885|author=Theodore Roosevelt|title=Hunting Trips of a Ranchman

  27. To walk haughtily.

  28. (RQ:Dryden Aeneis)

  29. {{quote-text|en|year=1704|author=Joseph Addison|title=Milton's Stile Imitated, in a Translation of a Story out of the Third Aeneid

  30. {{quote-text|en|year=1850|author=Charles Merivale|title=History of the Romans Under the Empire

  31. A haughty style of walking.

  32. (infl of)