
suomi-englanti sanakirja

abia englanniksi

  1. (eu-verb form of)

  2. (infl of)

  3. dog

  4. (syn)

  5. (quote-book)

  6. dog, animal

  7. water

  8. hardly, barely (gl)

  9. (coi)

  10. (quote-book)(lang)(lang)|When we had sailed slowly many days, ''Slavonic text: of them two have been in Cnidus'' and arrived with difficulty off Cnidus,(..) (27|Acts 27:7)|newversion=edited in|year2=2003|title2=''Codicele Bratul''|location2=Iași|editor2=Alexandru Gafton|publisher2=Ioan Cuza University|Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press|pageurl=http://media.lit.uaic.ro/gafton/txt/text.php?page=246|tr=E-ntru multe zile pestitu notîndu text și abie fum întru Cnedu.|line=7|oclc2=9789738243781

  11. (quote-book).|page_plain=folio 154r ((lang))

  12. hardly, barely, scarcely (gl)

  13. (quote-journal)

  14. only, just (gl)

  15. (quote-book)|Only a few old, scrawny peasants were bustling and swarming(�)|location=Orăștie|chapter=Proștii

  16. (quote-book) câțiva au supraviețuit fugind.|Then of Friuli|Wechtari, charging towards them with the few soldiers he had, massacred them so severely, that out of five thousand men only a few survived by fleeing.

  17. just, scarce (gl) (defdate)

  18. (quote-journal)|A fox young of years, but great of mind,And which had only just begun its profession(�)|tr=O vulpe de ani mică, însă de minte mareȘi care meseria abia și-o începuse(�)|date=1838/3/5|sc=Cyrs|location=Bucharest|editor=Florian Aaron

  19. (quote-web)

  20. sooner than; only

  21. (inflection of)

  22. (altform)