
suomi-englanti sanakirja

= englanniksi

  1. The equal sign. It asserts that two quantities or expressions have the same value.

  2. ''2+2=4''

  3. Is. Used to state the relation that the growth rate of the expression on the left side of the sign is bounded or limited by that of the expression on the right.

  4. (syn) (small)

    ''The statement f(x)=O(log^2 x) means that as x gets arbitrarily large, f(x) will never grow faster than some constant multiple of log^2 x.''

  5. A double bond; a chemical bond between two chemical elements involving four bonding electrons instead of the usual two.

  6. The assignment operator. It assigns a value to a variable.

  7. ''$price=18.95'' (this causes $price to be 18.95 from now on)

  8. An operator that compares if two values are equal. In some languages, == is used instead.

  9. The same form as the headword.

  10. ''sheep pl. =''

  11. (non-gloss definition)

  12. (n-g)

  13. (''Chinese bronze script)'' A ditto mark.

  14. The same as; equal to.

  15. (ux)

  16. (alt form of)

  17. (alternative form of)

  18. Symbol for sextans.