


  1. loikka, harppaus

Esimerkkejä leap sanan käytöstä:

a leap in profits

the Great Leap Forward – (Kiinan kansantasavallan) Suuri harppaus

Liittyvät sanat: leap of faith



  1. hyppy, ponkaisu, hyppiminen, hypähdys, loikka, pompahdus, ponnahdus, pompinta, pomppiminen, hyppely, hyppäys, loikkaus, välimatka.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä





hyppäyttää puhekieltä To jump.
(circa) anonymous, Merlin

It is grete nede a man to go bak to recouer the better his leep
1600, anonymous, The wisdome of Doctor Dodypoll, act 4
I, I defie thee: wert not thou next him when he leapt into the Riuer?
1783, w:Hugh Blair|Hugh Blair, from the “Illiad” in Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, lecture 4, page 65
Th’ infernal monarch rear’d his horrid head, Leapt from his throne, lest Neptune’s arm should lay His dark dominions open to the day.
1999, Ai, Vice: New & Selected Poems, page 78
It is better to leap into the void.
puhekieltä To pass over by a leap or jump.

to leap a wall or a ditch

puhekieltä To copulate with (a female beast); to cover.
puhekieltä To cause to leap.

to leap a horse across a ditch

The act of leaping or jumping.
Wickedness comes on by degrees, (..) and sudden leaps from one extreme to another are unnatural.
H. Sweet
Changes of tone may proceed either by leaps or glides.
The distance traversed by a leap or jump.
puhekieltä A significant move forward.
1969 July 20, w:Neil Armstrong|Neil Armstrong, as he became the first man to step on the moon
That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.
puhekieltä A fault.
copulation Copulation with, or coverture of, a female beast.
1865, British Farmers Magazine'' (issue 48, page 8)
Much difference of opinion exists as to the number of bullings a cow should receive. Here, I think, good judgment should be used. If the bull is cool and quiet, and some time has intervened since he had his last cow, one good leap is better than more (..)
puhekieltä A passing from one note to another by an interval, especially by a long one, or by one including several other intermediate intervals.
puhekieltä A basket.


A weel or wicker trap for fish.
puhekieltä intercalary Intercalary, bissextile.
puhekieltä (synonym of)
a trap or snare for fish
half a bushel


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handicap, rap, trap, swap

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