wrap up

suomi-englanti sanakirja

wrap up englannista suomeksi

  1. kääriä, paketoida

  2. päättää, päättää jotakin, saada jokin valmiiksi, saada valmiiksi

  3. pukeutua

  1. Verbi

  2. paketoida

  3. päättää, saada valmiiksi

  4. tehdä yhteenveto">tehdä yhteenveto, tiivistää

  5. pukeutua lämpimästi

wrap up englanniksi

  1. To cover or enclose (something) by folding and securing a covering entirely around it.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. To conclude or finish completely.

  5. (syn)

  6. {{quote-journal

  7. To summarize or recapitulate.

  8. To put on abundant clothing as protection from the cold; to up.

  9. To cocoon; to surround protectively.

  10. To up; to make too busy to respond.

  11. To combine, incorporate or encapsulate into one thing.

  12. (quote-web) as a dashing robot lover? That computes|site=AV Club|url=https://www.avclub.com/dan-stevens-as-a-dashing-robot-lover-that-computes-1847693319|passage=Tom has the smooth moves of ''(w)''’s Gigolo Joe and some of the quizzical cluelessness of (w)’s (w), all wrapped up in the classical good looks of, well, (w).

  13. To hide or up.

  14. To curl into a more compact form.