
suomi-englanti sanakirja

encapsulate englannista suomeksi

  1. kapseloida, koteloida

  2. kiteyttää, esittää lyhyessä muodossa

  1. Verbi

  2. kapseloida, koteloida

  3. tiivistää, kiteyttää

encapsulate englanniksi

  1. To enclose something in, or as if in, a capsule.

  2. {{quote-journal|en|date=Feb 9 2014|author=Matthew L. Wald|title=Nuclear Waste Solution Seen in Desert Salt Beds|titleurl=http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/10/science/earth/nuclear-waste-solution-seen-in-desert-salt-beds.html?_r=0|journal=New York Times|accessdate=14 June 2014

  3. To epitomize something by expressing it as a brief summary.

  4. (quote-journal) (UK)|date=21 January 2014|passage=It's a little moment that seems to encapsulate her appeal ...

  5. To enclose objects in a common interface in a way that makes them interchangeable, and guards their states from invalid changes.

  6. To enclose data in packets that can be transmitted using a given protocol.

  7. (es-verb form of)