
suomi-englanti sanakirja

usus englanniksi

  1. (noun form of)

  2. bowel

  3. guts

  4. intestine

  5. intestines

  6. use, employment, exercise, advantage

  7. (syn)


  8. practice

  9. Cicero, ''Pro Balbo'', section 45

  10. ''Adsiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit.''
    : Constant practice devoted to one subject often prevails over both ability and skill.
  11. experience, discipline, skill

  12. habit, usage, custom

  13. neediness, necessity, need, want, exigency

  14. used, employed, having used.

  15. enjoyed, having taken advantage of.

  16. experienced, undergone, having experienced.

  17. worn, having worn.

  18. consumed, having consumed.

  19. intestine (qualifier)