
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tram englannista suomeksi

  1. kaivosvaunu

  2. raitiovaunu

  3. matkustaa

  1. raitiovaunu

  2. Substantiivi

tram englanniksi

  1. A passenger vehicle for public use that runs on tracks in the road (called a streetcar or trolley in North America).

  2. (syn)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. A similar vehicle for carrying materials.

  5. A mover.

  6. An aerial car.

  7. A train with wheels that runs on a road; a train|trackless train.

  8. (quote-book) The VIP Experience gets you off the tram and behind the scenes: into sound stages, prop warehouses, and production facilities and on the sets of shows in production.

  9. A car on a horse railway or tramway (horse trams preceded electric trams).

  10. (quote-book)|title=Details of a Sunset and Other Stories|year=1976|publisher=McGraw-Hill|origyear=1925|isbn=978-0-07-045709-6|page=93|pageurl=|passage=The horse-drawn tram has vanished, and so will the trolley, and some eccentric Berlin writer in the twenties of the twenty-first century, wishing to portray our time, will go to a museum of technological history and locate a hundred-year-old streetcar, yellow, uncouth, with old-fashioned curved seats (..)

  11. The shaft of a cart.

  12. (quote-book) In Two Volumes|location=Boston, Mass.|publisher=and Fields|Ticknor, Reed, and Fields|year=1851|volume=II|pages=14–15|pageurl=|oclc=213734443|passage=What struck me with most astonishment, however, was the liberal manner of our fair driver, who made no scruple of taking a leap, with the reins in her hand, and seating herself dexterously upon the shafts (or, in Westmoreland phrase, the ''trams'') of the cart.

  13. One of the rails of a tramway.

  14. To operate, or conduct the business of, a tramway.

  15. To travel by tram.

  16. To transport (material) by tram.

  17. To align a component in engineering or metalworking, particularly the head of a press.

  18. A silk thread formed of two or more threads twisted together, used especially for the weft, or cross threads, of the best quality of velvets and silk goods.

  19. To weave in this manner.

  20. section, segment, stretch (gloss)

  21. (uxi)

  22. flight (gloss)

  23. span (gloss)

  24. stage (gloss)

  25. (clipping of)

  26. A tram, a streetcar, vehicle on rails for passenger transport in cities.

  27. (l) (i), streetcar (i)

  28. (l), streetcar, car

  29. tram

  30. a doorstep, or stoop (US)

  31. a doorstep, or stoop (US); porch

  32. balk, crossbeam, beam

  33. large beam, log, bole

  34. (transclude sense)

  35. (a tablet of) tramadol