
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tonga englanniksi

  1. Tonga

  1. A light, two-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage used for transportation in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

  2. {{quote-text|en|year=1890|author=Rudyard Kipling|title=Plain Tales from the Hills

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1924|author=EM Forster|title=A Passage to India|page=13|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2005

  4. A drug useful in neuralgia, derived from a Fijian plant supposed to be of the aroid genus (taxlink).

  5. a form of tunic worn by Catalan Jews during the Middle Ages

  6. Tongan (gloss)

  7. to sew, to mend

  8. to build

  9. arrived

  10. a charm or talisman believed to bring one safely to their destination

  11. a plant used to make this talisman, the (vern) ((taxlink))

  12. periwinkle ((taxfmt))

  13. (taxlink)

  14. south

  15. (syn)

  16. (infl of)

  17. (adj form of)

  18. (female equivalent of)

  19. land for farming

  20. a kind of yam

  21. five

  22. coating (gloss)

  23. task, job

  24. heap, pile

  25. a member of the Tonga people of southern Africa

  26. cheating, trick