
suomi-englanti sanakirja

suna englanniksi

  1. fire

  2. sun

  3. to inquire

  4. (alternative form of)

  5. (infl of)

  6. solar, of the sun

  7. (infl of)

  8. what

  9. name

  10. naming ceremony

  11. the first price offered in bargaining

  12. reputation

  13. vagina

  14. woman

  15. (ux)

  16. (ja-romanization of)

  17. (inflection of)

  18. to ring or produce a sound in general

  19. (quote-book)

  20. {{quote-text|ro|year=1884|publisher=Mihai Eminescu|title=Egipetul|section=lines 49-54

  21. {{quote-text|ro|year=1913|author=Dimitrie Anghel|title=s:ro:Într-un amurg de toamnă

  22. {{quote-book|ro|year=1940|author=Mihail Sebastian|title=Accidentul|chapter=chapter 5

  23. (quote-web)|trans-title=She gave birth in the bathroom of the maternity ward, after being told to go home! (...)|site=1 (Romania)|Antena 1|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=2019/05/03|text=Îmi sunau urechile, iar vederea mi s-a încețoșat.|t=My ears were ringing, and my vision blurred.

  24. (quote-web)

  25. to sound (gloss)

  26. 1866, Alecsandri|Vasile Alecsandri, “Inelul și năframa”, și năframacite_note-2|author’s note 2:

  27. (quote)|This is what another variant of the legend sounds like: (�)
  28. {{quote-text|ro|year=1933|author=Ion Pillat|title=Scutul Minervei|section=Minervei/XVII|sonnet 17, lines 12-14

  29. (quote-newsgroup)

  30. to make something ring or produce sound

  31. {{quote-text|ro|year=1863|author=Grigore Alexandrescu|title=Catârul cu clopoței|section=cu clopoței|lines 21-26

  32. (quote-web)|t=The experts of Moldova’s Academy of Sciences sound the alarm. They say that, if the injustice will not stop and the level of governance will not improve, (�)|trans-title=Robbed and ‘expelled’ from their own country, to make room for the foreigners’ dirty money

  33. to be rumoured

  34. {{quote-text|ro|year=1675|author=Miron Costin|title=Letopisețul Țărâi Moldovei de la Aaron Vodă încoace|section=Țărîi Moldovei de la Aaron Vodă încoaceCapulŭ alŭ șéptesprădzécè|chapter 17, section 50

  35. to play an instrument

  36. {{quote-text|ro|year=1865|author=Dimitrie Bolintineanu|title=s:ro:Bârlad|lines=23–24

  37. to call, telephone

  38. (quote-book) Else a sunat și la Fox și le-a povestit despre imaginile care apăreau într-un colț al cadrului.|t=Else called Matt Groening, creator of ''The Simpsons'', to ask for permission. (�) Else also called Fox and told them about the images appearing in a corner of the frame.|original=Culture (book)|Free Culture|isbn=978-1-59420-006-9

  39. circumcision

  40. to circumcise

  41. (l)

  42. name

  43. (syn)

  44. tradition, custom