
suomi-englanti sanakirja

spindel englanniksi

  1. (obsolete spelling of)

  2. Certain of the species of the genus (taxfmt), originally used for making the spindles used for spinning wool.

  3. 1568, Turner (naturalist)|William Turner quoted by Mabey|Richard Mabey in "Britannica|Flora Britannica", London, 1996, p244.

  4. I haue sene this tree oft tymes in England and in moste plentye betwene Ware and Barkwaye, yet for al that I coulde neuer learne an Englishe name for it: the Duche men call it in Netherlande Spilboome that is Spindel tree, because they vse to make Spindels of it in that countrey and me thinke it may be so wel named in English.
  5. The rod made from the above used in the spinning of wool and other natural fibres.

  6. a rod used for spinning and winding natural fibres; a spindle

  7. a central pillar around which a staircase spirals; a newel

  8. an upright bar for holding CDs or DVDs by skewering

  9. (alt form)

  10. a spider (gloss)

  11. a spindle, the rotating part of a machine

  12. a link-following program on the Wide Web