
suomi-englanti sanakirja

souped-up englanniksi

  1. Of a racehorse: injected with a substance to make it Verb|run faster or to change its temperament. (defdate)

  2. Of an engine, a vehicle, etc.: modified for higher performance.

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. (quote-book), Seventy-third States Congress|Congress(nb...)|volume_plain=part 1 (September 4, 5 and 6, 1934: Electric Boat Co.)|location=Washington, D.C.|publisher=States Government Publishing Office|Government Printing Office|date=13 September 1933|year_published=1934|page=925|pageurl=;view=1up;seq=955|oclc=1036266476|passage=Will it be possible to mount a larger engine for use in La Paz? I doubt very much if the standard 165 would get off the ground up here with a student. I wish you would take that up with the factory and see if they can put out a job with a suped-up seven-cylinder job. The R-540 I think it is.

  5. (quote-journal) at Eddie's Market, social center of South Brooksville, Maine (pop. 150), where she is vacationing with daughter.

  6. (quote-book): History and Society in Retrospect|title=Persuasions and Prejudices: An Informal Compendium of Modern Social Science 1953–1988|location=New Brunswick, N.J.; Oxford, Oxfordshire|publisher=Transaction Publishers|year=1989|page=62|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-88738-261-1|passage=The suspicion grows that this souped-up erudition disguises a paucity of thought, which of all things seems to be based on a lack of historical good sense, or, if you will, of good historical sense.

  7. (quote-book)|year=2000|page=118|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-595-13077-1|passage=In the drinking that follows that afternoon it is a wonder that no one dies of alcohol poisoning. The final kegs die at around 1800 hours or so, and that is when Coolidge's wife Melanie starts making her souped-up Atomic Kamikazes.

  8. (quote-web)

  9. (quote-web)'' Might Already be the Best Action Movie Ever Made|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=22 February 2018|work=The A.V. Club|date=1 December 2017|passage=He &91;Miller (director)|George Miller&93; spent nearly 20 years developing the movie, keeping at it through false starts and heartbreaking dead ends. And when he got the chance to make it, he went all in, devising entire societies full of baroquely souped-up death machines and screaming war-cults.

  10. Improved.

  11. Intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1968|author=Melvin M. Belli|title=Trial and Tort Trends: Belli Seminar|page=253

  13. Excited.