set off

suomi-englanti sanakirja

set off englannista suomeksi

  1. tasoittaa

  2. lähteä, lähteä matkaan

  3. laukaista

  4. panna liikkeelle

  5. painottaa

  6. lähteä liikkeelle

  7. panna käyntiin

  1. Verbi

  2. lähteä matkaan">lähteä matkaan

  3. saada aikaan, johtaa + illative, aloittaa, panna alulle">panna alulle

  4. räjäyttää, ampua, laukaista

  5. suututtaa

  6. korostaa

set off englanniksi

  1. To leave; to set out; to begin a journey or trip.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. To begin; to cause; to initiate.

  5. (cot)

    ''I had no idea that one simple comment would set off such a huge argument.''

  6. To cause to explode, off.

  7. ''What a tragedy, that someone would set off a bomb in a crowded place.''

  8. (quote-video game)|genre=fiction|Science Fiction|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2008|system=PC|scene=Secure Lab, Rift Station, Noveria|isbn=9780784546642|oclc=246633669|text=(w): There are acid tanks rigged up on that thing. Set them off. Millions of my ancestors died to put these things down. Don't let them come back.

  9. To put into an angry mood; to start (a person) ranting or sulking, etc.

  10. ''Don't set him off or he won't shut up all day.''

  11. To enhance by emphasizing differences.

  12. ''Her plain white dress was set off by a bright red stole.''

  13. {{quote-text|en|year=1902|author=John Buchan|title=The Outgoing of the Tide

  14. To offset, to compensate for: to reduce the effect of, by having a contrary effect.

  15. ''My taxes did not increase because the amount of my raise was set off by my losses in the stock market.''

  16. (RQ:James Portrait)

  17. To deface or soil the next sheet; said of the ink on a freshly printed sheet, when another sheet comes in contact with it before it has had time to dry.