
suomi-englanti sanakirja

rok englanniksi

  1. (alternative form of)

  2. A dress.

  3. arrogant

  4. hard

  5. year, the time it takes a planetary body to complete one revolution around a star

  6. year, exactly 365.25 days

  7. (syn)

  8. year, a period between set dates that denotes a year

  9. (coi)

  10. year, a scheduled part of a year spent in a given activity

  11. a wheel

  12. a distaff

  13. kidney

  14. skirt (gloss)

  15. dress, tie (gloss)

  16. layer on a bulb such as an onion

  17. garment covering the torso

  18. roc (gloss)

  19. storm, whole gale

  20. (l), a style of music characterized by basic drum-beat, generally 4/4 riffs, based on (usually electric) guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals.

  21. year (gl)

  22. (infl of)

  23. (qualifier) (infl of)

  24. soup

  25. soul

  26. year

  27. (RQ:zlw-mas:KartotekaSgOWiM)

  28. (nb-former)

  29. (alt sp)

  30. deadline

  31. date of a court case; or the court case itself

  32. court summons

  33. smoke

  34. year (gl)

  35. court case

  36. engagement, betrothal

  37. indiscriminate length of time

  38. age of a being

  39. agreed upon length of time for work or employment

  40. time set aside for performing a task

  41. term, date (period during which something ought to be performed or completed)

  42. and roll

  43. Nový rok ''New Year’s Day''

    roku Pána ''Domini''

  44. (inflection of)

  45. a skirt

  46. pox (disease)

  47. pea soup, pea soup