
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pox englannista suomeksi

  1. rokko

  2. kuppa

  1. Substantiivi

  2. rokko, rokkotauti

  3. Verbi

pox englanniksi

  1. A disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks.

  2. Syphilis.

  3. A curse.

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare All's Well)

  5. To infect with the pox, or syphilis.

  6. (quote-book)|chapter=The History of John Bull: Part II, Chapter III|title=The History of John Bull Dr. Arbuthnot. And Poems on ſeveral Occasions by Dr. Jonathan Swift, with Several Miſcellaneous Pieces, by Dr. Swift and Mr. Pope|location=London|publisher=D. Midwinter, A. Tonson|page=(gbooks)|passage=''Jack'' had a moſt ſcandalous tongue, and perſuaded ''Peg'' that all mankind, beſides himſelf, were pox'd by that ſcarlet-faced whore, †''Signiora Bubonia''. “As for his brother Lord ''Peter'', the tokens were evident on him, blotches, ſcabs, and the corona. (..)

  7. shit (solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel)

  8. guava