
suomi-englanti sanakirja

reseda englannista suomeksi

  1. mignonette

  1. Substantiivi

  2. reseda

reseda englanniksi

  1. Any of various plants of the genus ''Reseda'' having small, pale grayish green flowers, such as dyer's rocket ((taxfmt)) and mignonette ((taxfmt)).

  2. (quote-book)|chapter=Reseda|chapterurl=|title=Riders Dictionarie, Corrected and Augmented with the Addition of Many Hundred Words Both out of the Law, and out of the Latine, French, and Other Languages, such as Were and Are with Us in Common Use, but Never Printed till Now, to the Perfecting of the Worke. ...|location=London|publisher=Imprinted by Felix Kingston for Waterson|Iohn Waterson|year=1640|oclc=801362153|passage=Reſeda (..) An herbe that hath a ſtalke like knots and joynts, a leafe like a nettle, and white in the middle.|brackets=on

  3. (quote-journal)|month=September|year=1850|volume=XVIII|issue=45 (New Series)|page=223|pageurl=|oclc=614545524|passage=This genus of plants, of which we have twelve species, was named ''Reseda'' by the ancients, from ''resedare'' to assuage, because some of the species were esteemed good for mitigating pains; and we learn from Pliny, that the Reseda was considered to possess even the power of charming away many disorders. He tells us (..) that when it was used to resolve swellings, or to assuage inflammations, it was the custom to repeat the following words, thrice spitting on the ground at each repetition:— / "Reseda, cause these maladies to cease: knowest thou, knowest thou, who hath driven these pullets here? Let the roots have neither head nor foot."

  4. (quote-journal)|year=1877|volume=XIII|page=21|pageurl=|oclc=707194231|passage=A little work on bees which I read some time ago, states that bees collect pollen only on flowers of the same species, in order not to mix the pollen of different flowers together, and I have several times observed this statement as perfectly true during the time when resedas, roses, and geraniums adorned a bed close to a bee-hive. The same bee or humble-bee which had been on a reseda would only visit resedas, another only geraniums, &c.

  5. Mignonette ((taxfmt)).

  6. (quote-book), for (publishers)|John Rivington, at the Bible and Crown, in St Paul's Cathedral|St. Paul's Church-Yard; and James Rivington and James Fletcher, at the Oxford-Theatre, in Row|Pater-noster Row|year=1757|page=146|pageurl=|oclc=863473516|passage=About the middle of this month, if the ſeaſon proves favourable, you may plant out your hardy annuals, ſuch as Marvel of Peru, Sweet Sultan, China After or Starwort, Sweet Reſeda called Mignonette d'Egypt, French and African Marigolds, Female Balſamine, Capſicum, Brown Jolly, and ſeveral other ſorts, which, if artfully diſpoſed, will afford an agreeable pleaſure, after the beauty of ſpring is paſt; (..)

  7. (quote-book)

  8. A pale greyish-green colour like the flowers of a reseda plant; mignonette.

  9. (color panel)

  10. (quote-journal), E.C.|date=26 September 1873|volume=XXVIII|issue=722|page=172|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=490166608|passage=This number contains a lis of the manufacturers of tinctorial chemicals to whom prizes have been awarded at the Vienna Exhibition. We find no English name in the catalogue. There are receipts for dyeing wool a bright green; for a finish for pack-thread; for a reseda on genappe; a brown on silk; a printing black on cotton yarn; a blue-black on old cotton, velvets, and velveteens; a chamois and rose on old goods with cotton warps, saffranin on a sumach mordant being recommended for the latter; a black on mixed woollen and silk; a dark green on wool; a cheap violet on woollen piece-goods.

  11. Having a pale greyish-green colour like the flowers of a reseda plant; mignonette.

  12. (quote-journal)

  13. (topics) A reseda, a plant of the family (taxfmt), particularly those of the genus ''Reseda''

  14. reseda (gloss)

  15. the genus ''Reseda''.

  16. (l)

  17. mignonette