
suomi-englanti sanakirja

puny englannista suomeksi

  1. heiveröinen

  2. hintelä

  1. mitätön, vähäpätöinen

  2. Substantiivi

puny englanniksi

  1. Of inferior significance, size, or strength; ineffective, small, weak. (defdate)

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 2 Q1) Is not the Kings name twenty thouſand names? / Arme arme, my name a puny ſubiect ſtrikes, / At thy great glorie, (..)|translation=I have forgotten who I am: am I not the King? (..) Is not the King's name worth the names of twenty thousand people? / To arms, my name! An inferior subject strikes / At your great glory, (..)

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Merchant of Venice)

  5. (RQ:Boswell Johnson)

  6. (RQ:Keble Christian Year)

  7. (Frequently) ill; poorly, sickly. (defdate)

  8. (alternative spelling of)

  9. Inferior in rank; specifically, of a judge: junior. (defdate)

  10. (RQ:Wycherley Plain-Dealer)

  11. (RQ:Arbuthnot Law) Fees to Judges, puny Judges, Clerks, Prothonotories, Philizers, Chirographers, Underclerks, Proclamators, Counſel, Witneſſes, Jury-men, Marſhals, Tipſtaffs, Cryers, Porters; (..)

  12. (RQ:Swift On Poetry)

  13. (RQ:Trollope Lady Anna)

  14. Coming later in time; secondary, subsequent. (defdate)

  15. Not experienced; novice. (defdate)

  16. An inferior person; a subordinate; also, an insignificant person. (defdate)

  17. (sense) (synonyms)(�) (antonyms)

  18. (RQ:Joyce Ulysses)

  19. A younger person; a junior. (defdate)

  20. (RQ:Montaigne Florio Essayes) Theſe vaine ſhadowes of our religion, which are ſeene in ſome of theſe examples, witnes the dignitie and divinity thereof.

  21. (RQ:Fuller Holy State) Who had rather others ſhould make a ladder of his dead corps to ſcale a city by it, then a bridge of him whileſt alive for his punies to give him the ''Goe-by'', and paſſe over him to preferment.

  22. (alternative spelling of)

  23. A person who is not experienced; a beginner, a novice. (defdate)

  24. (RQ:Middleton Tourneur Revengers Tragaedie)

  25. A puisne or junior judge. (defdate)

  26. A new student at a school, university, the of Court|Inns of Court, etc.; a junior. (defdate)

  27. (synonyms)|novi|q5=(w)|shadow

  28. (quote-book) by Frederick Hall M.A. at the (w)|year=c. 1610|year_published=1923 (indicated as 1922)|page=3|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/christmasprince00boasuoft/page/3/mode/1up|lines=9–12 and 14–18|oclc=623010400|passage=The whole companye or most parte of the Student&42861; Studentis of the same house mette toogether to beginne their Christmas, of w(sup) som̃e came to see sports (..) others to make sporte w(sup)all of this last sorte were they whome they call Fresh-menn Punies of the first yeare, who are by no meanes admitted to be agent's or behoulders of those sports, before themselues haue biñe patient perfourmers of them.

  29. fist

  30. (ca-verb form of)