
suomi-englanti sanakirja

plebs englanniksi

  1. (monikko) en|pleb|nodot=a

  2. The plebeian class of Rome.

  3. (syn)

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Titus)

  5. The common people, especially the mob.

  6. a. 1657, (w), "The Author" in ''Poems'', Vol. II, p. 131:

  7. For 'tis an Easier ThingTo make Trees Leape, and Stones selfe-burthens bring(As once (w) to the walls of Greece|Thæbes,)Then Stop the giddie Clamouring of Plebs...
  8. 1993, Max Cavalera, "Refuse/Resist", Sepultura, ''Chaos A.D.''

  9. Chaos A.D. / Tanks On The Streets / Confronting Police / Bleeding The Plebs
  10. (quote-book)

  11. (l), commoners

  12. (l), rabble, riffraff

  13. (l), commoners (gloss)

  14. plebeians, common people

  15. (l) (gl)