
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pinion englannista suomeksi

  1. hammasratas

  2. siipisulka

  3. siipi

  4. sitoa käsivarret

  5. leikata siivet

  1. Substantiivi

pinion englanniksi

  1. A wing.

  2. (RQ:Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet)

  3. (RQ:Pope Rape of the Lock)

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (RQ:Poe Usher)

  6. The joint of a bird's wing farthest from the body.

  7. Any of the outermost primary feathers on a bird's wing.

  8. (RQ:Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra)

  9. A moth of the genus ''(taxfmt).

  10. To off the pinion of a bird’s wing, or otherwise disable or bind its wings, in order to prevent it from flying.

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=1577|translator=Barnabe Googe|author=Konrad Heresbach|title=Foure Bookes of Husbandrie|section=book iv (1586), page 169

  12. 1641–2, Henry Best (author), Donald Woodward (editor), ''The Farming and Memorandum Books of Henry Best of Elmswell, 1642: With a Glossary and Linguistic Commentary by Peter McClure'', (w)/(w) (1984), (ISBN) (10), (ISBN) (13), page 115:

  13. When they are aboute fortnights olde (for they must bee driven noe longer) yow must watch where the henne useth to sitte on nights, and come when it beginneth to bee darke and throwe somethinge over the henne as shee broodeth them, then take and clippe every of theire right wings. Then when they are aboute moneths old, yow must come after the same manner and pinnion or cutte a joynte of every of theire right winges.
  14. ''ibidem'', page 129:

  15. The Swanners gette up the younge swannes about midsummer June and footemarke them for the owners, and then doe they allsoe pinnion them, cuttinge a joynte of theire right winges, and then att Michaellmasse Sept. doe they bringe them hoame, or else bringe hoame some, and leave the rest att some of the mills and wee sende for them.
  16. 1665–1667, (w), ''The Works of Mr Abraham Cowley'' (fifth edition, 1678), “Several Diſcourſes by way of Eſſays, in Verſe and Proſe”, essay 9: ‘The ſhortneſs of Life and uncertainty of Riches’, closing verses, verse 3 (page 138):

  17. Suppoſe, thou Fortune could to tameneſs bring, / And clip or pinion her wing; / Suppoſe thou could’ſt on Fate ſo far prevail / As not to cut off thy Entail.
  18. {{quote-text|en|year=1727|author=Peter Longueville|title=Philip Quarll|page=67|year_published=1816

  19. {{quote-text|en|year=1849|author=Daniel Jay Browne|title=The American Poultry Yard|page=242|year_published=1855

  20. To bind the arms of someone, so as to deprive him of their use; to disable by so binding.

  21. (syn)

  22. (RQ:Orczy Miss Elliott) Captain Markam had been found lying half-insensible, gagged and bound, on the floor of the sitting-room, his hands and feet tightly pinioned, and a woollen comforter wound closely round his mouth and neck ; whilst Mrs. Markham's jewel-case, containing valuable jewellery and the secret plans of Port Arthur, had disappeared. (..)

  23. {{quote-book|en|year=1916|author=James Joyce|title=s:Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man|publisher=Macmillan Press Ltd, paperback|page=80

  24. (RQ:Wallace Infinite Jest)

  25. To restrain; to limit.

  26. (RQ:Burroughs Land That Time Forgot)

  27. 1999: Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane, ''Sleepy Hollow'', scene 14

  28. I am pinioned by a chain of reasoning! Why else do his four friends conspire to conceal (..)
  29. The smallest gear in a train.

  30. 1844, Allan Poe|Edgar Allan Poe, Premature Burial|The Premature Burial

  31. A certain period elapses, and some unseen mysterious principle again sets in motion the magic pinions and the wizard wheels.
  32. {{quote-book

  33. (cln) billion

  34. gearwheel