
suomi-englanti sanakirja

opprobrium englannista suomeksi

  1. halveksunta

  2. häpeä

  1. Substantiivi

opprobrium englanniksi

  1. A cause, object, or situation of disgrace or shame. (defdate)

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-journal) &91;Clowes Ltd.|William Clowes&93; for the proprietors, and published by their agent, Henry Hooper,(nb...)|month=May|year=1828|issue=II|page=227|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=kIc4AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA227|oclc=7208306|passage=As there are certain malignant diseases which have been denominated the ''opprobria'' of medicine, so there are particular maladies of our social condition, which may be considered the ''opprobria'' of legislation. Amongst the most inveterate of these are the poor laws.

  4. (RQ:Eliot Middlemarch)

  5. (RQ:Doyle Valley of Fear)

  6. Disgrace or bad reputation arising from exceedingly shameful behaviour; ignominy. (defdate)

  7. (RQ:Federalist)

  8. (RQ:Mary Shelley Frankenstein)

  9. (quote-web)

  10. Scornful contempt or reproach; an instance of this.

  11. (RQ:Landon Duty)from that strict rectitude in which I have been accustomed to walk and to view my actions, and which, notwithstanding the unjust opprobrium cast upon me, I find to be an invincible support and shield.

  12. (RQ:Birmingham Spanish Gold)

  13. Behaviour which is disgraceful or shameful.

  14. reproach, taunt

  15. scandal, disgrace, dishonour, shame